Bigg Boss 17: Munawar Faruqui Gets Support Rajiv Adatia As Latter Says ‘Don’t Destroy Someone’s Life’

Bigg Boss 17:

Bigg Boss 17 has turned into a rollercoaster of emotions as the spotlight intensifies on stand-up comedian Munawar Faruqui’s personal life. The drama reached its peak when Ayesha Khan, in a fit of anger, exposed Munawar’s alleged attempts to woo multiple women simultaneously.

Former Bigg Boss contestants Rajiv Adatia and Yuvika Chaudhary have stepped forward to support the beleaguered comedian amidst the ongoing controversies. As the season unfolds, it becomes increasingly evident that personal lives are taking center stage, overshadowing traditional tasks within the Bigg Boss 17 house.

Ayesha Khan’s Explosive Revelations:

The latest episode of Bigg Boss 17 took an explosive turn when Ayesha Khan, in a candid moment, accused Munawar Faruqui of attempting to pursue multiple romantic interests concurrently.

She claimed that Munawar got involved with Nazila Sitaishi without formally divorcing his wife, adding that he even extended a marriage proposal to an Instagram influencer and traveled to Chandigarh with her. Ayesha Khan poured her heart out about feeling emotionally manipulated during her alleged two-month live-in relationship with Munawar Faruqui.

Bigg Boss 17: Support from Rajiv Adatia and Yuvika Chaudhary:

Bigg boss 17

Amidst the brewing storm, former Bigg Boss contestants Rajiv Adatia and Yuvika Chaudhary have come forward to lend their support to Munawar Faruqui. Both Rajiv and Yuvika emphasized that the matters being discussed are not directly related to the game.

Rajiv Adatia specifically mentioned that Abhishek Kumar and Mannara Chopra are the only two individuals within the Bigg Boss 17 house who genuinely care about Munawar Faruqui’s well-being.

The Absence of Traditional Tasks:

Bigg Boss 17 has notably deviated from the usual format, with an emphasis on personal vendettas and controversies rather than the typical tasks within the house.

The absence of routine activities has created an environment where personal relationships and outside matters take precedence, turning the season into a unique exploration of the contestants’ personal lives.

The Ankita Lokhande-Vicky Jain saga, Isha Malviya-Abhishek Kumar-Isha Malviya dynamics, and Munawar Faruqui’s love life have become the focal points, fueling discussions among fans.

Ayesha Khan’s Pattern of Bringing in Outside Matters:

Observant viewers have noticed a recurring pattern in Ayesha Khan’s contributions to the show. She consistently introduces outside matters, bringing in personal vendettas and controversies that extend beyond the confines of the Bigg Boss 17 house.

This departure from traditional tasks has sparked debates among fans, questioning whether the show’s emphasis on personal drama is overshadowing its original intent.

Munawar Faruqui’s Response:

In the aftermath of Ayesha Khan’s explosive revelations, Munawar Faruqui has found himself at the center of a storm.

The allegations of attempting to woo multiple women simultaneously and the complexities of his relationships have left him in a precarious position within the Bigg Boss 17 house. As the drama continues to unfold, fans eagerly await Munawar’s response and whether he can navigate through the personal controversies to focus on the game.


Bigg Boss 17 has carved its unique identity by veering into uncharted territory, placing personal dramas and controversies at the forefront. Munawar Faruqui’s personal life has become the epicenter of the season’s narrative, with support from some former contestants contrasting with the ongoing exposés.

The absence of conventional tasks has transformed the dynamics within the house, turning this season into a compelling exploration of the contestants’ lives beyond the Bigg Boss realm. As the season progresses, it remains to be seen whether the focus will shift back to traditional tasks or if personal vendettas will continue to dominate the Bigg Boss 17 storyline.

Also read, Bigg Boss 17: Munawar Faruqui Drops a Friendship Bomb on Mannara Chopra

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